Welcome at Arco's homepage
When surfing over this website, you'll frequently run into
Arco our pet-squirrel.
Arco was born in 1993 and has been used since as a logo
for a number of our products and services. Click on one
of the squirrels at the top of this page to jump straight
to the linked subject.
Arco was created by graphics artist Erwin van Wanrooy
who is also responsible for the many creative designs of
both Gendos Zeefdruk (screen printers).
All of the Arco/squirrel devices on this website are subject
to copyright. Copying and or use of the images without the
prior written consent of X-Ample Technology bv is not allowed.
© Copyright 1993-2002, X-Ample Technology bv
Any links shown in red are currently unavailable.
© X-Ample Technology BV. Last changed: Monday, 30 October 2006 - 16:49 CET.