If you have a software problem, a hardware defect or just a
technical question, you can send us an email. If your question
is about a hard- or software product that you obtained from us,
please use the for below. If your problem is urgens, you can
also caontact us by phone, but you may find that we can't help
you directly if the right person is not available for you.
Who could ask for support?
In principle everyone can ask us a question. Depending on the
amount of work we have it may take some time to answer it.
Questions about products that have been purchased from us will
be answered first, of course. Sometimes it may be necessary
to charge you for a certain solution. In that case you will be
charged with a standard fee. An estimation of these costs is
available on request.
Most repairs are carried out in our own service center. This
even applies to equipement that is repaired within the warranty
period. If you want your equipment to be repaired by us, it is
neccessary to make an appointment first. Please give us an
accurate description of your problem and also a detailed
description of your configuration. Repairs outside warranty
alsways have to be payed in cash. An estimation of the costs
involved is available upon request. Is some cases in may be
neccessary to charge you for this estimation.
All trading and service takes place under the General Terms
as registered with the Chamber Of Commerce of 's-Hertogenbosch
in The Netherlands, a copy of which is available (in Dutch)
upon request.
Any links shown in red are currently unavailable.
© X-Ample Technology BV. Last changed: Tuesday, 11 March 2003 - 18:57 CET.